University of Liverpool International College

So a New Year starts once more and mine was a fairly long trip up to Liverpool on the 2nd to photograph The University of Liverpool International College. This is a brand new build and fit out in a brand new complex. There is still lots of construction going on around the building as theirs was one of the first finished. The build is designed with two atriums, one is the entrance to the college and the other where the canteen is located on the ground floor. The interior consists of break out areas, meeting rooms, lounge areas, classrooms, offices, kitchen, boardroom and reception. The space is light and welcoming with lots of glass at the front of the building and in the ceilings of the atriums. In the welcoming atrium a large seating area tiers down from the first floor to an open seating area on the ground floor flanked by a staircase with led lighting and glass partitions.
The furniture is functional and contemporary, but not what you would expect from a school or college, its far better than that! Lovely job to photograph for Office Portfolio, worth the journey.